18 May, 2013


52 project

"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2013."

Cecily: 30 weeks. So many times throughout the day, I clutch my heart and say, "OH. I love her SO MUCH." She is so beautiful. So sweet. So perfect. So funny. So so so so so lovely.


  1. That's funny because i say the same thing in the mirror every morning.
    You are so beautiful. So sweet. So perfect. So funny. So so so so so lovely.

  2. What a peaceful little cherub. Very precious.

  3. That sleeping pouty mouth! Wow, how adorable.


  4. I think this is the most beautiful thing you've created. This memory. This moment. It perfectly fits the rule of thirds, it represents the natural color, and you captured the angle of the sunlight casting shadows. You created this image and you created this babe and they are both perfect. Every image in her life won't fit this mold but it will be just as perfect. Good job, Jasmine.

    1. thank you so much. seriously. this was such a nice comment... it made my day! :)

  5. She is absolutely lovely! I just had my 3rd little baby 2 weeks ago :)

    So lovely to find your blog

    xo em

  6. Ohh my goshh!! She is so cute.

  7. Cecily is beautiful!


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